Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Child Custody & Support Attorney In India Policy

child custody attorney

There is nothing more important than family for an individual. If you or your family is going through any kind of legal issues, then you should take help from a reputable firm whose lawyers will assist you in the best way possible. 
If you are looking for a reputable Indian child lawyer, you can consult our law firm. Our team of child custody attorney in Indian can help you consider all the factors involved in making the correct decisions regarding your children. The firm can assist with establishing custody, modifying custody, and paternity matters related to child custody attorney.
Child custody is a term used in family law courts to define the legal guardianship of a child under the age of 18. One of the most difficult issues faced by divorced parents involves, “with whom their children will live?”. Family law courts generally make decisions based on the best interest of the child and not always on the best arguments of each parent. The parent who gets the custody of the child is called the Custodial Parent. In maximum cases, the non-custodial parent is allowed to have regular visits with the child without hampering his/her schedule. 
Many people assume that when compared with child custody rights for the father, the court gives the mother more rights related to the child. But, this presumption is incorrect. In all cases, every court evaluates the situation based on the best interest of the child. Every child deserves equal care of both his mother as well as father in his life. Regardless of the court’s decision on custody arrangements, both parents share an equal right in decision-making regarding the health, care, education, and well-being of the child.  
A parent may be deemed unfit if they have been abusive, neglected, or failed to provide proper care for the child. A parent with a mental disturbance or addiction to drugs or alcohol may also be found to be an unfit parent.
There are various child custody lawyers in Delhi who can guide you in taking the best decision regarding your child’s custody. 

In general, there are four types of child custody 

  1. Physical custody - The court declares either of the parent to be the custodial parent and the child lives with them thereafter.
  2. Joint Physical Custody - This type of custody evolved recently when both the parents come to a consensus of ca-retaking the child, where the legal custody lies with both the parents but the physical custody is overtaken by either of the parents, making them the primary caretaker.
  3. Sole custody - In cases where one parent is declared unfit by the court for obvious reasons and so the complete custody of the child lies with the other parent by default.
  4. Third-party custody - Neither parents are given custody of the child but the court diverts the rights to a third party.

So, after the divorce through a divorce lawyer, one must take considerable advice from a child lawyer regarding the child custody attorney. The lawyer will be able to guide the parents in the best way possible, regarding the child custody rights for father as well as the mother.

Good advice and proper legal knowledge will help the parents in taking the best suitable
decision of their child. 

For More Information Click here

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How do I find a good child custody lawyer ?

Hiring or finding a lawyer for divorce child custody can be a very critical thing. You need an experienced person who can tackle the emotional matters and questions that rises during the court proceeding. Child custody refers to the court-given right, a divorced parent needs to settle on any decisions relating to their child. Parents reserve a right to look for legitimate or physical custody of their child or child appearance, whether the parents were hitched or not when the child was born. The court figures out which parent is most fit, mulling over various factors, and grants custody rights to that parent.

child custody lawyer | child custody rights for fathers

Sole custody of the child case

Sole custody is usually defined as the special right of one parent to both physical and legal custody of a child. For instance, a parent with sole custody will responsible for where the child lives, and the child will live with that parent at all times. Moreover, a parent with sole custody will be the one who may make major judgments about the child’s welfare. However, another parent may get the visitation rights from the court, but it varies on the conditions. Sole custody of the child will only be given to the parent if the court discovers the other parent is unable to fulfill the basic requirement of a child.

Child custody rights for fathers

Custody rights for a father usually refer to the real father’s rights to get legal or physical custody of their child. The biological father has a right to strive legal or physical custody of their child or child visitation. As a father, you have as many parental rights to your child as their biological mother does.

Traits of Good Child Custody Lawyer

·       Experience matters
·       Skills set
·       Understanding of jurisdiction laws
·       Communication Skills

Finding the best child custody lawyer is the first and most important decision to make. A lawyer experienced in child custody cases can enable you to get the custody agreement that is in favor of your child. In case you're experiencing separation and you have children, you and your spouse must work out a child arrangement that sets out custody and the recurrence of appearance. If you and your life partner can't go to an understanding, then your child lawyer can ask for your child custody.
